25 September 2009
After so long, The Great Ryo-sama (note the capital letters) finally decided to swim from the ocean of Youtube videos back to my Updates about life (not that i can swim, but oh well).
So, today, 1JT had the almost impossibly easy Chinese lesson. We learnt lesson number 31, smth about 民歌. it's so ridiculously easy that even the Great Ryo-sama has no problem reading it (assuming you know that my power in chinese is over [Negative] 9000)
Also, after school, since there is no CCA (*squeals* Kyah!!~ yay!`) today, i asked Yu Xiang to bring me to Kinokuniya, coz i wanted to see if they sell Negima volume 28 (limited Edition). Why? BECAUSE IT FRIGGIN COMES WITH NEGI"S ARTIFACT!!!
SEE??! Sexy right!!
Lol.. I'm surprised.. It's like senpai has no sense of shame, either that, or he is serious about it. About what you ask?
Whenever he saw a picture of Haruhi Suzumiya AKA God, he would suddenly stop in his tracks and do a Nazi Salute.
Silly? I tried to stop him, but.. he still insisted on doing it.
A picture of the Great Haruhi can be seen below.
Sigh.. Seems like my life's full of interesting people eh?
Everything's (probably) Okay! (Not so)Daily Progress Journal!
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