It is the first camp I had been to in my Secondary School life and thank goodness it did not disappoint. The seniors that was with me are all very caring and fun. And our group leader had been very responsible too =) But We are all leaders in the camp, so I have to buck up alot and (hopefully) become the Chairman of AVA next year. And there's our fun and cheerful instructor, Milo. I thank all of you for giving me a wonderful memory of my first in school camp. (And going into the lake)
Also after the camp, there's the trip to KKnM with Jared. No photos for this journey though. Went to KKnM and Kinokuniya with Jared, and I'm glad that he seem to be enjoying himself. Let's hope he would remain as our 'comrade' forever =)
There's the second trip during the holidays to Pulau Ubin with my parents.We had a lunch there and took a stroll around the Sensory Trail area, while feeding mosquitoes with MY blood.

an unused Quarry at Ubin. Ubin means granite in Malay. Figure it out yourself.

Back at Changi Jetty. Saw this cute neko when we were having dinner at Subway.
I spent my last week of the holidays in my grandma's house, entertained by a certain someone and the uber old windows 2000 computer. Was actually supposed to finish my homework there, in the end, I finished Castlevania Symphony of the Night there instead.
During this holiday, I had not only made new friends in the camp, I get to know someone better too. But one regret was that i did not finish my homework earlier. Even now, my homework is still.. *Depressed*
Well, a good way to end the holiday is the rainbow i saw earlier on. I hop it's a good sign for my upcoming End of Years and Streaming.