So, I woke up at 9 in the morning, took a bath, changed and went to the MRT station. Took the MRT to City Hall and walked the the Convention Hall. Yes, I skipped breakfast because apparently, someone was there already and wanted me to be there by 9.55am. So of course, I was late. First thing I do when I reached City Hall? Look for any cosplayer so that I can follow them to the hall. I am afraid of getting lost, ya see. But I can;t find any, so I have to rely on
So in the Hall, I went straight to one place : Tokyo Figure Show. Yup. the giant Mirai on top somehow attracted me so much that before looking at the Figures, I looks at Mirai andalmosthaveanosebleed. Well, I did not realise that Danny was there. =x I only realised after a few moments. I was afraid that I'd do something stupid so I did not approach him. Found the KKnM booth and Ryuusei queuing there. Hahas.
Apparently, Ryuusei decided that KKnM doesn't have anything he wanted, and he went to the Cospa queue. So, Cospa has something he likes. Alot. Kotori doll! His err.. future waifu. He spent $168 on her. poor him, hafta spend the rest of the day walking around resisting temptation to buy anything.
Oh yeah! I did not ask the permission of Artists and Cosplayer if I could post their work/pictures onto the blog. Please tell me if you wish for it to be removed.
Also, if some of the photos looked like they got cut in half or does not match the caption, click on it to view the whole photo. or just go to the album. Link to album is at the bottom of the page.
Mirai-chan Figma. very adorable. Hmm.. should I preorder one when she is on sale?
Country of figures - lower deck
More pictures of our favourite stormtrooper and Alodia.
Keroro gunso cosplay.
AFA09, Day 2, Sunday.
Went to AFA a little later today. reached at 12.00 and rushed through lunch until about 12.10
Returned to the hall and found a seat at the main Stage and wait there until K-ON Experience started.
Lovely Alodia cosplaying as lovely Mirai-chan
Gordon has more higher quality pictures of Alodia and her imouto, who is cosplaying as Haruka.
Nanoha and Hayate.
Tenori Taiga.
Maria Kurenai?
The album of photos I took in AFA